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Why Whistleblowers Give Up on Good Cases

As a lawyer who represents whistleblowers, I have been appalled at some very unfair criticism levied at False Claims Act cases. Using statistics such as the ones cited by David Krok in a recent article in the American Bar Association’s Public Contract Law...

Why Whistleblowers Can’t Win for Losing

I am a False Claims Act lawyer, and I am doing a series of articles addressing criticism of the Act. A recent article in the Public Contract Law Journal, published by the American Bar Association, gave grim statistics about the success rate for relators...

Georgia Drivers: Be Careful this Christmas Holiday!

I’m an Atlanta car wreck lawyer, and I’m on a one-woman quest to see whether we can get Georgia drivers to slow down and drive more carefully over this Christmas holiday. Over the 2009 Christmas holiday (the latest data available), ten people were killed...


Lee’s peers have named her a Georgia SuperLawyer every year for two decades.