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Six People Killed in Georgia in New Year’s Eve Holiday Car Accidents

While the Georgia Department of Public Safety reported that the state had fewer fatal accidents than it did last year during the New Year’s Eve holiday period, tragically the state still experienced 6 fatal crashes over the four days that were counted as being...

More Car Wrecks On New Year’s Eve Holiday This Year

Georgia state officials are still trying to figure out why this past New Year’s Eve period had so many more car accidents than last year’s. You don’t have to be like me — a lawyer handling car accident lawsuits — to know that car wrecks...

Another Tractor Trailer Wreck Tragedy in Bartow County

My very last blog entry was about a terrible tractor trailer wreck in Bartow County, Georgia, that occurred on December 19th. Unfortunately, it appears that the Christmas season tragedies were not yet over for Bartow County. Incredibly, Bartow County troopers were...

Tragedy Unfolds as Two Tractor Trailers Wreck in Bartow County

As a Georgia lawyer who handles lawsuits about car wreck and tractor-trailer accidents, I see tragic wreck cases all too often. But I was especially sad to read about a tractor-trailer truck wreck that happened in Bartow County right before Christmas. According to a...

Three Metro Atlanta Police Officers Hit on Roadside in Four Days

Three officers were hit on the side of the road in just a four-day period, and one of the men was killed. In the face of the accidents, the Georgia Department of Public Safety has issued a press release reminding Georgia drivers of the “Move Over” law we...


Lee’s peers have named her a Georgia SuperLawyer every year for two decades.