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Dangerous Intersections in Roswell, Georgia

This is the third in a series of blog entries I have been doing on a very useful article published by, on November 20, 2012. The article identified the intersections in North Fulton that had the most car wrecks in 2011. As an attorney representing...

Johns Creek’s Most Dangerous Intersections

Recently had a very informative and useful article about the intersections in North Fulton that have seen the most car wrecks. The newspaper looked at the intersections that saw the most car collisions during calendar year 2011. I am a lawyer who...

The Most Dangerous Intersections in Alpharetta

Thanks to for a great article about the most dangerous intersections in North Fulton County. The newspaper selected the losing intersections by looking at the number of accidents that occurred in each during 2011. As a car wreck lawyer, I really...

Bobby Lee Cook Symposium at John Marshall Law School

On September 7, 2012, Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School held its 10th annual Bobby Lee Cook Symposium. Wow! What a symposium! I was honored to be asked to speak alongside such notable, talented lawyers. Dean Lynn made the comment that the students in the room...


Lee’s peers have named her a Georgia SuperLawyer every year for two decades.