by admin | Jul 10, 2012 | Uncategorized
Deer may look soft and friendly. After all, the phrase “doe-eyed” refers to people who have large, soft eyes, like deer do. But when a deer gets on the roadway, the result is neither soft nor friendly. Every year hundreds of people are seriously injured...
by admin | Jul 6, 2012 | Uncategorized
I handle deer wreck lawsuits in Georgia, and I have been blogging about the fact that deer-related crashes are increasing here in Georgia – although the rate of deer-caused crashes is decreasing because we simultaneously are experiencing an increase in the...
by admin | Jul 3, 2012 | Uncategorized
In an earlier blog entry, I talked about the fact that here in Georgia we are seeing an increase in the number of crashes caused by deer. I represent drivers injured in Georgia car accidents caused by deer, and so I know that these crashes can injure or kill people...
by admin | Jun 29, 2012 | Uncategorized
The Georgia DOT compiles statistics about car wrecks all over Georgia. According to the Georgia DOT Report, Crash Analysis, Statistics & Information (or, “CASI”), deer cause a number of car wrecks in Georgia, and the number of wrecks being caused has...
by admin | Jun 27, 2012 | Uncategorized
When I was a young driver, I learned the hard way about deer causing car crashes. I was heading from Atlanta along I-20 into Alabama, driving my first car ever – a red Chevy Nova. It was a beautiful Saturday morning, and I was listening to the radio, enjoying...