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Spoliation of Evidence in Georgia: Why Do Courts Punish It?

I have been blogging about a legal topic called “spoliation”, which is the willful destruction or withholding of evidence. As a Georgia personal injury lawyer, I sometimes have to deal with situations where the defendant has destroyed evidence that I need...

Spoliation of Evidence: A Georgia Law Affecting Personal Injury Cases

On January 20, 2012, a Gwinnett County jury awarded a $2.3 million verdict against Kroger in Gwinnett County. See 1/26/12 Atlanta Journal-Constitution article. The case was important because it involved a legal issue called “spoliation.” Mr. Craig Walters...

Car Accidents in Georgia: Proving a City "Knew" About a Road Problem

I write this personal injury blog from Atlanta, Georgia, and recently I have posted several entries about the liability of Georgia cities that do not construct or maintain their roads properly. In one recent case I did, the City let a stop sign fall down and my client...


Lee’s peers have named her a Georgia SuperLawyer every year for two decades.