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The Silver Lining on a Bad Economy: Fewer Atlanta Car Accidents

As an Atlanta car accident lawyer, I guess I have found one silver lining in the terrible economy here in Atlanta, Georgia. Sure, we have horrible unemployment, and for several years we have consistently ranked in the top ten of the states suffering the most...

A Sudden Rash of Hit and Run Car Accidents in Atlanta, Georgia

Here in Atlanta we seem to have had a rash of very serious hit and run car accidents during the last few weeks. For example, on November 7, 2011, a black 2005 Chevrolet Impala critically injured Nathan Powell, 25. Powell ended up on life support at Grady Hospital...

What Car Accidents Cost Society: AAA Report – Part 6

I am a personal injury lawyer and car accident lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia, and I have been writing a series of blog entries about a report issued by the American Automobile Association (“AAA”) called AAA report 2011.pdf The AAA report talks about all of...


Lee’s peers have named her a Georgia SuperLawyer every year for two decades.