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Four Lessons from the SEC’s Second Award to Whistleblowers

Whistleblowers and their attorneys have been closely following the SEC’s new program to reward people who report securities fraud violations. In my last blog entry, SEC Hands Out Its Second Award to Whistleblowers, I talked about the announcement that the SEC...

SEC Hands Out Its Second Award to Whistleblowers

The SEC is awarding $25,000 under the SEC whistleblower program. The award will be split among three whistleblowers who reported fraud by a hedge fund and its CEO/manager. Whistleblowers and their lawyers have been waiting to see whether the SEC will live up to its...

Watch Out Georgia Drivers! Deadly Crashes Happen Over Labor Day.

As a Georgia car wreck lawyer, I represent families that have been torn apart when a loved one is killed in a car wreck. I am hoping that if I blog about the fact that so many people are killed in Georgia in car accidents that happen over the Labor Day weekend,...

Healthcare Fraud So Shocking You Won’t Believe Me That It Happened

According to a criminal complaint filed by the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan, a Detroit doctor has been falsely diagnosing patients with cancer, just so he can give them chemotherapy and make money from doing that. I am a whistleblower lawyer, and...

False Claims Act Case Stops Double Billing By Maryland Cardiologist

According to the Department of Justice press release, a Maryland nuclear cardiologist and his two companies double billed for myocardial perfusion studies, also known as nuclear stress tests. A federal court in the District of Columbia has entered a $17 million...


Lee’s peers have named her a Georgia SuperLawyer every year for two decades.