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When Georgia Teenage Drivers Can and Cannot Text or Use Cell Phones

I’ve written in some of my earlier blog posts that my oldest child will be a teen driver within the next year or two. The idea terrifies me! So although I write this blog as an auto accident lawyer, I have a special and very personal reason to research the rules...

Thirteen Pedestrians Killed in Atlanta Car Accidents in 2009

In 2009, Atlanta had 45 fatal car accidents, and a surprising number of those accidents involved Atlanta pedestrians. Thirteen of the 45 accidents involved a pedestrian who was struck and killed by a car. Of the 47 people who lost their lives in the 45 car wrecks that...

In 2008, Most Atlanta Pedestrians Are Killed at Night

I have been blogging about car accidents in Atlanta, and in a recent entry I talked about the surprising fact that – at least according to the 2008 Fatality Analysis Reporting System figures available from NHTSA, more pedestrian deaths occurred in the winter...

21 Pedestrian Deaths in Atlanta in 2008: Where They Happened

You don’t have to be an Atlanta car accident lawyer like I am to figure out that when a car hits a pedestrian, the pedestrian fares the worse of the two. But when you are a car accident attorney, you see more than your share of the tragedy that is generated when...

21 Atlanta Pedestrians Killed in 2008

I am an Atlanta car accident lawyer, and today I will be blogging about some serious problems we have in Atlanta with deaths of pedestrians in car accidents. During 2008, 18 of Atlanta’s 54 fatal car accidents involved pedestrians. In those 18 accidents, 21...


Lee’s peers have named her a Georgia SuperLawyer every year for two decades.