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Surprise! The Busiest Roads in Atlanta Are In — DeKalb County?!

I handle Atlanta car accident cases, and so I wanted to know more about what the figures are for the traffic in Atlanta. Anyone who has lived in Atlanta even fleetingly knows that traffic in Atlanta is everywhere, and it can be grim. Unfortunately, the more traffic...

Atlanta Car Accidents Way Up

My name is Lee Wallace and I am a car accident lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia. I have written several blog entries about the fact that car accidents in the metro Atlanta area have increased, but surprisingly, the death rate from auto wrecks has decreased. Today I want to...

The Lance Armstrong Whistleblower Lawsuit: Who Leaked the Story?

On Thursday CNN published my iReport, which asks: Who violated a court order to leak the Lance Armstrong story? It’s a head scratcher for me. As I said in my first blog entry on the Armstrong whistleblower case, the case was under seal when someone talked to the...

Why Do So Many Atlanta Pedestrians Get Killed in March and September?

Each year a large percentage of the people killed in Atlanta car accidents are pedestrians. In 2009, for example, Atlanta had 45 traffic deaths and 13 of those deaths were of pedestrians. In looking at the details behind the numbers, however, I noticed something that...

Government Recovers $4.9 Billion Thanks to False Claims Act

Does the False Claims Act really matter? As a False Claims Act lawyer who represents whistleblowers, I have seen the Act work firsthand. But on December 4th, the Department of Justice released figures that prove the point. According to the Justice Department, during...


Lee’s peers have named her a Georgia SuperLawyer every year for two decades.