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Which Georgia Counties Have the Most Deer-Related Car Crashes?

As I wrote in my last blog entry, no one will be surprised to learn that deer cause more crashes in rural Georgia than in the state’s metro areas. I am a lawyer handling cases of deer causing car accidents, and so in my blog I have been reviewing statistics on...

Deer Causing Car Wrecks in Georgia: The Georgia DOT’s Report

The Georgia DOT compiles statistics about car wrecks all over Georgia. According to the Georgia DOT Report, Crash Analysis, Statistics & Information (or, “CASI”), deer cause a number of car wrecks in Georgia, and the number of wrecks being caused has...

When a Deer Hits Your Car: My Own Story

When I was a young driver, I learned the hard way about deer causing car crashes. I was heading from Atlanta along I-20 into Alabama, driving my first car ever – a red Chevy Nova. It was a beautiful Saturday morning, and I was listening to the radio, enjoying...

How to Avoid a Wreck with A Motorcycle, Part I: Tips from NHTSA

I am a Georgia lawyer who handles motorcycle accident cases, so I have talked to all too many seriously injured bikers, or to family members of bikers who were killed in wrecks with cars. Tragically, both in Georgia and nationally, biker deaths are increasing, instead...

Georgia’s Premises Liability Law: Emergent Situations

I have been blogging about when a property owner or manager (like a restaurant, or an apartment complex, a hotel, etc.) will be liable for failing to provide adequate security for its guests and patrons. O.C.G.A. § 51-3-1. Most premises liability cases involve an...

Georgia’s Premises Liability Law: Emergent Situations

I have been blogging about when a property owner or manager (like a restaurant, or an apartment complex, a hotel, etc.) will be liable for failing to provide adequate security for its guests and patrons. Georgia law provides that someone who owns Georgia property will...


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