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What Car Accidents Cost Society: AAA Report – Part 6

I am a personal injury lawyer and car accident lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia, and I have been writing a series of blog entries about a report issued by the American Automobile Association (“AAA”) called AAA report 2011.pdf The AAA report talks about all of...

What Traffic Accidents Cost All of Us: 2011 AAA Report – Part 5

I am a car accident injury lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia, and I have been blogging about the 2011 report put out by the American Automobile Association (the “AAA”). The report, called AAA report 2011.pdf, discusses all of the costs of traffic and congestion....

The Real Cost of Traffic is Car Wrecks: AAA Report – Part 3

As a personal injury lawyer and car accident lawyer, I have been blogging about a 2011 report put out by the American Automobile Association (“AAA”), called AAA report 2011.pdf AAA has studied the high cost of traffic and congestion, concluding that the...

The High Cost of Car Accidents: the AAA Report – Part 1

When we think of traffic here in Atlanta, Georgia, we tend to think in terms of the missed minutes of life, and the mind-numbing tedium of sitting, sitting, sitting on I-85, I-75 or I-285 – or for that matter on Peachtree, Roswell Road, Highway 41, or any of the...

Outline of a Legionnaire’s Disease Lawsuit Case

As a bacterial contamination lawyer, I have seen far, far too many situations where people became desperately ill from bacteria that were allowed to breed in unclean and unsanitary conditions. Bacterial contamination cases take as many forms as there are bacteria, but...


Lee’s peers have named her a Georgia SuperLawyer every year for two decades.