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Crafty Hospitals Try to Outsmart the Government — and Lose

Medical care kickbacks are illegal, but some hospitals are trying to make an end-run around the law by coming up with creative and sneaky ways to cut doctors and nursing homes in for a piece of the action. Creative and sneaky, yes — but not creative and sneaky...

Hospitals Get Ripped Off – On Purpose?!

Pssstt. Hey, you! Come over here. You look like a discerning buyer. I’ve got some very special Arizona property for sale. Very, very cheap. Such a deal! Have you ever been to Arizona? You haven’t? Good. Well in that case, I need to mention that this...

He Did Surgery WHERE?

My great-grandfather was a country doctor in Alabama during the Great Depression. He did emergency surgery wherever he had to — including once, to the great consternation of my great-grandmother, right smack in the middle of the dining room table. He never, ever...

Who Wouldn’t Want THIS Job?

My law firm is looking to hire someone. Our ideal candidate does not need any particular skills or training. The person does not need to be motivated and will not be expected to work regular hours. Or any hours. Actually, the person does not even need to show up. It...

How Many Ways Can I Cheat You? Let Me Count the Ways …

Just how many ways are there for a hospital to try to slip some money to a doctor to persuade him to refer the hospital some business? Oh, sure, there’s your plain-vanilla “here’s some cash, quick, hide it!” scheme. But as it turns out,...

Fraud Gone Crazy; Cancer Patients for Sale

There is something inherently wrong with paying a doctor to diagnose, treat or prescribe based on his own financial interests, instead of his patient’s. The Stark Act makes it illegal to pay a doctor to refer a patient to a particular hospital or nursing home,...

How Low Can You Go? Heartless Healthcare Fraud.

Where does the Government lose the most money to fraud? Dirty defense contractors? Highway contractors who skimp on the ingredients for asphalt? Nope. Healthcare fraud is dominating the False Claims Act cases. In one case, a hospital was even accused of doing...

Doctors Who Sell Out Their Patients, and the Hospitals That Love Them

The Stark Act addresses a problem that most of us assume could not conceivably actually be a threat. The Act makes it illegal to bribe a doctor to refer patients or prescribe certain medicines. Stark makes it clear that doctors are expected to make diagnoses and refer...


Lee’s peers have named her a Georgia SuperLawyer every year for two decades.